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The Christians all over the world are counting on hours to celebrate Christmas. It is a day that reminds the Christians of the birth of Jesus Christ.
We are in a special season of love, although we are taught through the Holy Books, Bible and Qur’an to love irrespective of the days and time unconditionally. The period of Christmas usually is wear with an excitement because some will be celebrating because they will eat rice, drink coke (Smiles), wear new clothes, shoes, travel etc.

Every 25th of December is remarkable because a Saviour, Jesus Christ was born into the world that day, this is the greatest love shown to us byGod for sending His son Jesus Christ into the world for the liberation of mankind.
It is very important for we to know who and what we are celebrating in times like this. It is recorded that some Christians do not really know who they are celebrating. We have few days to step into a new year but then Christmas season is usually a time where our young boys and girls seems to misbehave. They are arrested for illicit act, they are found messing around at late hours in the night, cases of rape, fornication is high, robbery cases are the order of seasons like this. This ought not to be so. This should rather be a period where energy should be converted into a rethink on the present year goals, achievement and failures before we cross over into the new year.
My candid advice is that we first try to stay away from evil. We should try protecting ourselves. Be content with what you have and celebrate with what you have gathered. Be careful of the places you visit and who you visit in such a time like this. Evil is everywhere and covid-19 is real.
We can have a peaceful celebration but this can only be achieved with a capital “US”.
Happy Christmas in advance.
I am Justina Barde

Facebook: Justice Barde

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