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In a world where information is the new currency, reading is the best source of continuous learning, knowledge and acquiring more of that currency.
Reading requires patience, diligence and determination.
Reading is like any other skill, you have to practice it, regularly and constantly.
Where you prefer the alluring glow and convenience of a smartphone or the sense of control of a paper book, all means make time to read.
Next time you choose a book from the shelf or download a new title on your Kindle, stop and think about what you’re reading — it could impact you more than you realise!
The name FED is an acronym for FEASTDAVAR gotten from a Hebrew word(DAVAR: Davar means “word,” and it also means “thing.”) This fact reflects a deep facet of a Jewish world view.
Throughout the Scripture in Hebrew, the word DAVAR has a dual meaning – what is spoken and what is done.
Davar is the proclaimed, uttered and spoken word but it also refers to the promised word. It is simultaneously speech and action.)
And FEAST( meaning Banquet)
Bringing the both words together we get (BANQUET OF WORDS)
And this is sponsored IAMBESTNETWORKS LTD.
FED Book Club is a platform where you get to meet new people read new books, talk about stories and Authors.
To encourage reading, connecting passionate readers from different places around the globe. Also to give people the chance to swap highly peer recommendations and review.
We also give the opportunity to practice public speaking and respectful discussions and to make book lovers feel safe, valuable and knowledgable.
We meet not more than once in a month depending on the book we are reading. Often times, we do book exchange, book Review and Crown Brainny of the Month.
For enquiries, call: +234 703 468 8733
Below are Photos from our last meeting…