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These past few days, God has been taking me through a phase that has to do with me appreciating and understanding every stage of life or process he’s allowing me to go through. And one of the things God made me understand is the fact that I need to enjoy my process and I also want to bring it to you that you need to enjoy your process. One of the mistakes we make as individuals most of the time is allowing the value or success of others to be the yardstick of our success or achievements which tends to make us neglect the little achievements/growth we make daily and keeps us sad when we can’t meet up. We easily forget that God takes us through different and unique phases individually. It is okay that we celebrate the wins of others but it becomes a problem when we want ours to come the same way theirs came. Yours might just come from another angle/dimension. Trust me when you know this, it saves you from going into some career or whatever it is at all that you go into because others are succeeding in it and it helps you to want to focus on and in that which God had already place in you or your hands.

Any stage you are or anything you find yourself doing right now please enjoy it, go through it with an understanding, invest the requirements needed for it to yield. It might not be yielding much now but be happy with the growth that comes with it. Never undermine any phase or any of your efforts just because it isn’t paying much now.
Your friends are already living the life! Yes, so what? Your friends are married! Yes, so what? Can you just focus on what God wants you to learn? Hey beloved, know this and know peace; the only time you would have the type of happiness that you’ve always been asking for is when you focus on your journey not minding who’s ahead or behind. All that should matter to you is what you’ve got before you to accomplish. Work at your own pace and grace not minding the noises that come from within or without, be happy when you make one percent progress daily because that is what sums up the success and achievements you are aspiring for. Don’t be among the many that want to prove a point rather be among the few who appreciate the growth and are ready to go for it. Don’t forget to always enjoy your own process making and remember drops from a tap can also fill a bucket when given the time. So Give it TIME too.

Abigail Moses

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