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The trends in fashion unify women and men around the world, yet these fashion trends still allow people enjoy the ability to portray their own individual style at the same time. A period of time portrayed in a picture can be identified immediately just via the style of clothes the people are wearing, and this sums up just how powerful and all-encompassing fashion is. Fashion can change from one second to the next, but what never changes is the hold it has over society, people and the role it plays in the modern world. Fashion therefore, is so important that even magazines just like ours are dedicated to it, TV programs also dedicate hours of transmission time to the subject, and people discuss fashion between their friends often and often.

To keep up with the latest fashions, people subscribe to fashion magazines online, keep a keen eye on what has appeared in various shops and what has been there for a long time, and go to fashion shows to see what the designers are putting on the catwalk every season and thus, what will make it in to the shops. For the extremely wealthy, they might have their own personal relationship with a designer who will keep them well ahead of the current trends, therefore, many people wanting to know what the new fashion lines are going to be will watch what celebrities are wearing.
Designers continue to market the importance they know people put on fashion, and people continue to hang on to designers’ every move in the fashion world, therefore as long as this carries on fashion will continue to maintain its dominant position in society for a very long time to come. It influences not only what we wear, but everything we do, say, and even think.
Have you seen a beautiful model like Ashezi patience Habu, the Face of IAMBESTNETWORKS. Enjoy this work of art created exclusive on our WEEKEND COUTURE of IAMBESTNETWORKS LTD.
Model: @faceofiambestnetworks ; @ashezi_patience
Dress: Kanga Couture
Photographer: @mrsaint.ng
MUA: @mimmy_artistry
Makeup artist, fashion designers, models and photographers could subscribe to WEEKEND COUTURE. Subscription is on going. email: [email protected] or WhatsApp: 07082151580 or 08130286036 For enquiries call: 07082151580, 08130286036 or 07057457203

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