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Blend the pepper, Cut the onions, fry the meat, is the chicken ready? Has the tailor given you your clothes yet? Have you finished the chin chin? Well these and many more are common questions asked in Nigerian homes. A lot of times we are carried away with the preparation for Christmas, that we loose the meaning of Christmas, and oh! How badly we have forgotten the beautiful Christmas story, the story of love , the story of giving, the only meaning of Christmas that most kids know are stories related to Christmas clothes and shoes, Christmas itself has a beautiful story attached. Let’s teach our young ones the beauty of the sacrifice that God displayed on Christmas day giving his only son or the beauty of giving to people even when they don’t deserve it. God gave us his son even when we didn’t deserve the gift, or the lesson of love. Lets not loose the Christmas story , Let Christmas not just be about the physical; the beautiful decoration, the good food, the father Christmas , the beautiful clothes and shoes. The Christmas story is too beautiful to be swept under the rug….
There’s more to Christmas than meets the eyes… Merry Christmas.
– Faith Adama

This is a publication of Words in Pen, weekly publication(every Wednesday) of I am Best Magazine… proudly IAMBESTNETWORKS LTD.