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For Words in Pen today Wednesday, here is an excerpt titled “ Unleashing your gift” from the first edition of “Get Inspired” of IAMBEST ONLINE MAGAZINE exclusively IAMBESTNETWORKS LTD. Read, enjoy and you can get the complete magazine via the link below. Enjoy;

We all desire to shine, yes. That is why a lot of us are lost in thoughts while we imbibe different ways that will lift us to this height. Well, it’s cool for some of us who feel money makes one shine but that isn’t the case here. It might sound boring to you but now, when you learn the ability to unleash your gift to your world, you can shine. Your Locality isn’t a barrier because it is achievable anywhere. To unleash your gifts, there are no small platforms.
We all have gift embedded inside of us. A natural ability bestowed in one, yeah, Because the gift isn’t singular, it is magnificent, a reserved power dormant an untapped ability that demands an awakening, a stretch and an extension in the live of others. It is called ”Gift” because its aim is to reach out to others. Unleashing your gift as an individual is the process of releasing your natural endowments to individuals to have a taste
and benefit from your potentials. Sometimes, our gift can be unleashed through our words. What you have to offer to another is a gift. In the quest for discovering our gift, we meet people who help us identify our gifts.
Sometimes, when we are about to identify gift in us, it comes with a burden and a passion for something. So many gift is on life imprisonment today because this individual failed to build capacity on opportunities around them. In the society we find ourselves, only a few people are ready to serve others ahead of them.
The journey of servanthood (service) has helped a lot of some young folks to discover their natural ability. It has also helped them to unleash their gifting to the world. I understand, that 70% of us want to be boss of our own and we want to go our way. So a lot of us are unwilling to sit, learn from others.
Do you know that what some of us need is motivation? We can’t convince everybody into believing our natural abilities. You are the primary source of your own motivation. A lot of people are cumbered with daunting fears, while others are perturbed with self-esteem.
Unleashing your gift is a craft map. On this process, the ability to build capacity on what you feel you are good at and love doing expose other hidden traits in you.
No man is fully loaded, most of the gifting we see and admire when being explored were worked on. Desire growth, learn to become inquisitive about life itself, and all that it can offer, employ discipline and tolerance so you can be teachable. Strive for excellence in all you can do, be ready to go beyond your limitations. You have all that it takes.
We were not born as walking sticks, time taught us how to crawl while we feed on our mothers. We can’t grow in a pitiful atmosphere. So, don’t be satisfied with single success stories and accolades. You will always long to unleash these gifts when congratulations aren’t enough.
I am Justina Barde

Facebook: Justice Barde

This is a publication of Words in Pen, weekly publication(every Wednesday) of I am Best Magazine… proudly IAMBESTNETWORKS LTD.
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