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The Beauty Of Womanhood

God is a beautifier. Many women are dissatisfied with themselves: The tall want to be short and the short want to be tall; the fair wants to be dark and the dark wants to be fair. Every woman has to come to a point where she knows that she is just the way God created her.
Womanhood is about being a woman, not a girl or man. A woman needs to give up her immature girlish ways. Marriage is not for girls, it is for women.
The man God created was male and female and they were called Adam. Both sexes were made together but they were separated so that they can reunite again. Every woman should be content with who she is; the earlier they do that, the better. Every cage holding up every woman has been broken and burnt byGod.
We often define beauty based on externalities but beauty in our context transcends that. God gives us beauty to please Him with. Beauty is elegant, excellent, glorious, fair and perfect. Beautiful things are desirable and pleasurable.
Womanhood is beautiful because God made it. Everything God made is good. Many women hate being women because they don’t know who they are.
God is redefining womanhood in the light of His word as opposed to the definitions of society, culture, feminists, religion, men, women, etc.
Many adverts today are incomplete without a nude lady on them; the world has reduced the value of women to their sex appeal. Many women borrow because they want to meet up to certain standards. The beauty of womanhood lies in the fact that you only wear what you have. If you don’t define yourself, other people will define you.
Many women think that the key to beauty lies in the bottom of their makeup bag.
What makes a woman unique are as follows:
- Her Passions.
2.Her Compassion.
- Her Mind.
- Her Fun-loving spirit.
- Her Resilience.
- Her Confidence.
- Her Energy.
Be happy and contented with who you are. Be proud of the woman you are without any external influence.
Atiba Dorcas Anuoluwapo

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