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Deep from the bowel of Africa, an Igbo proverb says “A child that dances to the pleasant melody of Surugede does not know that Surugede is the dance of the spirit” The dance of the spirit should not be linken to the dance of mortal men and so should feminity not be subjected alone to submission because every human is subjected to same rules of law, be it rigid or flexible.
I’ve an unhealthy mentality when it comes to discussing submission to authorities ranging from homes and society and the view that women should be submissive in every area of life. Well, I am yet to see a written constitution that sees feminity as being inferior. Though, this perception can be seen in our daily activities directly or indirectly. The man’s society has fail to address it.

In a world where most wrongs and deeds of “Men” are seen as right exist a two-third majority who are held and bond chains of public perception, I call this majority the “THE KILLERS OF WORTH” dancing to the sweet melody of inferiority complex. You may ask who they are! The answer is simply simple-Women!
We were created for communication not for ignorant and negligence. We have a right to communication, because we were bestowed at birth a given chance to always air our views which are the answers to the quest of our lives. Some women are ignorant because only few know their worth and abilities to control the universe. While others continue their acts in negligence because they feel inferior to men Politically. “The killers of worth” are women who work relentlessly against their fellow Women for scepters of authorities in different societies. I mean to say that, in this era, women dances to the tone of men to please men who have their heads abroad and anus at home but when the deals are done, we are reminded that our places are in the kitchen while politically we should be at the peak because the zenith is our permanent abode.
Academically, THE KILLERS OF WORTH” are women who decorated their boxes with their hard earned certificates and skills in the name of submission. By this I mean to say, that about 80% of women who are graduates now live at the mercies of their partners all in the name of submission.
Culturally, “THE KILLERS OF WORTH” are women who the norms of different societies took into shells. They’re those who sees shells as comfortable abodes and thus decides to live therein.
The question is; How long shall we continue to be the architect of our own downfall. Do we need a prophetess to tell us our worth?
Enough of silence which has made us suffer without recourse, our voices are essential aspect of humanity and to be rendered voiceless is dehumanized . Silence separates us from the world. We’re volcanoes, women help women rise.
The dancers of Surugede in the world today are “THE KILLERS OF WORTH” dancing to the pleasant melody of Men!!!

Writer- Georgina Ijachi
Facebook: Georgina Ijachi
Contact: 08069580251.

IAMBEST Networks

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