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When Love is Lost .
No matter how it is that love is lost, when it occurs, profound sadness sets in.
When we are hurt, we long for someone to take away the pain, soothe the wounds and offer us hope. Often, those longings go unsatisfied. In our attempts to find love, we give ourselves to others over and over only to be hurt more each time.
Losing the love of your life makes you realize that love can truly be a double-edged sword. It can make us feel so uniquely connected to the world and fill our hearts so they are overflowing. It can also slash our hearts to shreds, leaving painful emotion dripping out for a long time to come.
And one of the most painful places to be in is the one where you feel regret, guilt, and pain for losing someone you see as too much of a loss to recover from. The one who was there for you loved you and did the “thick and thin” thing because they believed in you. But now they are gone.
Losing the love of your life and realizing it can take some time to surface. There is pain on both sides when a breakup occurs. A time of healing. A time when moving on begins and life slowly becomes happier. The pain subsides, and you reflect on the lessons you learned and seek new love.
There are also times when this doesn’t happen. Where you find yourself thinking of someone every day. Losing the love of your life is painful. You feel heavy with guilt, and regret lives in your gut. It is often at this point you question yourself, and think that this person you lost, has left a vacuum in your life that can never be filled.
As you begin to emotionally process your role in the breakup, you slowly come to the painful realization that you self-sabotaged yourself and this relationship.
Atiba Dorcas Anuoluwapo

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