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We are here again! Thank God its Friday (TGIF) and WEEKEND COUTURE exclusive on I AM BEST MAGAZINE of  Iambestnetworks is here with some beautiful professional fashion designs just for you from Kanga Couture a Kaduna based professional fashion designer and one of the top organiser and  pioneer of Kaduna Fashion Week. Although the world is on lockdown but our skills aren’t locked down and that is why Kanga Couture still got new designs for us. Check some of her designs below:

with the widespread of #Coronavirus, Kanga Couture has contributed in making sure that masks are available to everyone and thus she says:

Yes! We do know that cloth mask may not be the last resort to avoid the virus spread, but considering the unavailability of the surgical mask and the compulsion of using it is a must, we had to create temporal means of protection or else people will suffer. We have guidelines on maintaining these temporal cloth mask and as well the proper hygienic steps to keeping safe.

see different masks below courtesy of Kanga Couture

✂️ K A N G A C O U T U R E × 📸 J A B B O W A K I M A G E R Y


  1. Use the mask in Public / Open and well ventilated places.
  2. Exercise regularly especially Aerobics.
  3. Don’t use thick cloth for Face Mask.
  4. Wash the Face Mask with warm water, detergent and hypo or jik, if you must re-use it.


Photo Credit: @jabbowkaimagery
Designer: Kanga Couture
Models: Gift Bitrus, Jephthah Francis, Gabriel Akhuetie, Manasseh Kanga

Contact address of Kanga couture: 
No. 24 mai angwa street. Romi Kaduna, Kaduna state.

Call or WhatsApp: 08133341785

WEEKEND COUTURE is a fashion, style and modeling weekend segment on I AM BEST MAGAZINE exclusive on Iambestnetworks that showcases all forms and kinds of fashion and styles that are trending put together different designers and models. This is showcased every Friday and every fashion designer and model can be part of this. All you need to do is to contact Iambestnetworks. So if you are a fashion designer or a model and you wanna showcase what you do; also for advert placement contact Iambestnetworks via:Call or WhatsApp: 08130286036 or 07057467203Email: [email protected]

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