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I’m a young woman and I know most girls and women in general go through this stereotype daily – Jealousy. But how do I talk about jealousy without talking about SELF-WORTH. wait!!! Let me tell you a story about myself. I grew up feeling like I was better than everyone, I mean everyone and it became a problem that even my ‘dressing up’ was on “flick” but I noticed I never felt satisfied. I mean inner satisfaction simply because, I was always living in competition with everyone except myself so,  I sat down on a Thursday evening and I told myself that I could be better if I live to be better than I was yesterday ( I know you don’t understand).

I said…”Glorie you are not perfect but you can be better than yesterday, you are not in a competition, its a win, always a win” and for me I deal with Jealousy speaking this words daily. No matter what, no matter who, Jealousy must be addressed words of the mouth first because, there is power in that – words. Understanding your self- worth is key if you want to deal with jealousy. Oxford advanced dictionary defines Jealousy as resentment towards something or someone, or an envy towards another’s possessions. This means that jealousy is the feeling of desiring to own or have someone else’s property. Such desires could lead to evil act. The issue here now is how can you deal with jealousy? I will just highlight the points below. When jealousy shows up try these things:
-Stay calm
-Be rational
-Say to yourself I will overcome (your words matter)
-Get to the root of your jealousy and the cause
-Is your reason for being jealous  reasonable and/or concrete?(in intimate relationship)
-Believe in yourself
-Be contented and appreciate what you have
-Trust yourself
-Trust your partner(in intimate relationship)
-Trust God to help you out of it

In another dimension, I know some persons may want to ask that, how about God who said He is a jealous God? Exodus 34:14.  You know God is also a jealous God right? But the truth is His own jealousy is Holy not the type that secretly wishes another evil. God doesn’t want us to serve another God nor share his Glory with any body. God desire good for us and that is, to draw us close to Him and serve Him alone. I know we are all humans and jealousy is an attribute of a man(almost every human, if not all is jealous) but let’s not constantly put on the garment of jealousy.  Incase, this small piece didn’t encourage you much, please make reference to the Bible, get good literatures to broaden your horizon on dealing with Jealousy. May God help us all in dealing with this issue as individuals, couples, and as children of God also.
I am Glorie Shekwosa Dauda

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