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Sheq-Dee ft Trinity -“MY EVERYTHING”
Often times we give our time, our best ,our energy,
our Intellect, our emotions, our resources, our loyalty, our life, our all to people but we end up been disappointed. The Bible says in the Book of JEREMIAH 17:5 woe unto him that put his trust in a man. The best of men are still men at their very best. We must understand the human nature that man is fallible bydefault but I know one who doesn’t disappoint, one who is loyal ,one who keeps his promises till the end. that person is JESUS. This song is dedicated to every single person out there who has been disappointed life,one who has never felt good enough about themselves, one who has given up on life, one who depends on people’s validation to feel good about themselves. I’ve got good news for you, Jesus says cast your cares upon him for he cares for you.When you give God your everything,he will give you his everything. Download this song and be blessed and your faith reignited in Jesus name!!
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Facebook : Sheq-Dee da churchboy
IG : Sheq_dee_dachurchboy
Twitter : @sheqdee